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PVC Armoured Cable SWA & AWA

Mains & Control Cable


Mains & Control Cable - MDPE


Armoured Cable SWA 1KV


Armoured Cable SWA 1KV - MDPE


Armoured Cable AWA 1KV


3.3KV Mains Cable


11KV Cable


33KV Cable


Cathodic Protection Cable


Traffic Signal Cable


PAS5308-BS5308 Part1,Type2


PAS5308-BS5308 Part2,Type2


BSC Cable


Compensating & Thermocouple Cable


Telecommunication Cable


Our range of PVC sheathed armoured cables covers a variety of applications including mains power supply (at voltage ratings 1kV, 11kV, and 33kV), instrumentation and telecommunications. The cable armour is constructed either from steel wire (SWA) or aluminium wire (AWA) and provides protection against mechanical stress, making armoured cables suitable for direct burial and for use outdoors or underground.

Where applicable, our PVC SWA/AWA cables are manufactured in accordance with British Standards BS5467, BS6622, BS7870, BS6346/87, or BS4937.

For LSZH sheathed equivalent cables, please view our range of LSZH SWA/AWA cables.

Cable Type British Standard
Mains & Control Cable BS5467
Steel Wire Armoured Cable BS5467
Aluminium Wire Armoured Cable BS5467
3.3kv Mains Cable BS5467
11kv Cable BS6622
33kv Cable BS7870
Cathodic Protection Cable BS5467
Traffic Signal Cable BS6346/BS6437
PAS5308 Part 1 Type 2 BS5308
BSC Cable BS EN 50265
Compensating & Thermocouple Cable BS4937
Telecommunication Cable BS4066