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Accreditations & Certifications

BASEC registered stockistCleveland Cable Company Limited is the first cable supplier to meet the requirements of the BASEC registered stockist scheme. The accreditation applies to all UK and Ireland branches of Cleveland Cable Company giving you complete peace of mind when ordering cable from us.

Cleveland Cable is proud to have received certificate number SKT-001 of the BASEC stockist scheme, making us the first cable distributor in the world to be accredited under a BASEC scheme. The BASEC mark is recognised by the worldwide cable industry as the mark of reassured quality.

BSI kitemarkWe are proud to announce the completion of our custom built testing centre in our Middlesbrough Head Office and gaining our newest certification, the BSI Kitemark for our internal testing under the scope of: Electrical and other cables; The process of Batch testing - certificate number KM712695

Cleveland Cable Company regularly undertakes quality assessments of cable in order to verify cable design and electrical properties to ensure they meet their particular required standards. This includes in-house testing of cables held in our own stock. The BSI Kitemark is only awarded to testing facilities after a long and exhaustive process of cable sampling and verification of documented internal systems. By meeting the stringent assessment process, Cleveland Cable Company has become certified to the highest standard to internally test all cables we receive, giving our customers the peace of mind that the cable that they order is the cable they receive, certified as fit for purpose.

*ISO 9001 Certification is awarded to companies that have established an internal Quality Management System which ensures their customers receive products or services that are fit for purpose, meet and exceed their expectations.

The standard is based on a number of quality management principles including a strong customer focus, the motivation and involvement of top management, the process approach and continual improvement. Using ISO 9001:2015 accredited companies helps ensure that customers get consistent, good quality products and services, which in turn brings many business benefits.

*ISO 9001 covers all branches except Aberdeen which is purely and administration office for Scotland Oil & Gas Projects

*ISO 14001:2015 sets out the criteria for an environmental management system. It maps out a framework that a company or organization can follow to set up an effective environmental management system.

Certification to ISO 14001 requires organisations to effectively manage its environmental impacts through commitments to pollution prevention, legal compliance and continual improvement.

*ISO 14001 certification only applies to Middlesbrough head office, though all branches use the same management system manual. 

An Occupational Health and Safety Management System (OHSMS) is a fundamental part of an organization's risk management strategy. Implementing an OHSMS enables an organization to:

  • Protect its workforce and others under its control
  • Comply with legal requirements
  • Facilitate continual improvement

ISO 45001 is the internationally recognized standard for an OHSMS. While it shares some content and requirements with its predecessor, OHSAS 18001, the ISO 45001 standard adopts the Annex SL top-level framework of all new and revised ISO management system standards.

*ISO 45001 certification only applies to Middlesbrough head office, though all branches use the same management system manual. 

The Loss Prevention Certification Board (LPCB) is the foremost international certification body in the security and fire protection fields. LPCB approval is recognised by governments and authorities worldwide; especially in Europe, the Middle East and Asia-Pacific regions.

LPCB approval involves assessing and testing products to determine if they meet quality standards set by experts including scientists, engineers, installers, manufacturers, designers, insurers and regulators. LPCB testing is primarily undertaken in specialist testing labs, with approval maintained through regular audits.

Once LPCB approval is granted, qualifying products or services are issued a certificate and “Red Book” listing, which is then available free of charge to interested parties worldwide. Historically, LPCB approvals were founded upon the organisation’s own Loss Prevention Standards; standards which have, over time, been consolidated into British, European and International standards.

All Cleveland Cable fire resistant cables are approved by LPCB and are BASEC accredited where applicable.

The EIC is the leading Trade Association providing dedicated services to help members understand, identify and pursue business opportunities globally. Established in 1943, the EIC is a not-for-profit organisation with a membership of over 650 UK registered companies who deliver goods and services to the energy industries worldwide.

Along with practical assistance and facilitation services, the EIC's access to information keeps members one step ahead of the competition in a demanding global marketplace.

The Fleet Operator Recognition Scheme (FORS) is a voluntary accreditation scheme encompassing all aspects of safety, fuel efficiency, vehicle emissions and improved operations. FORS helps fleet operators to measure and monitor performance and alter their operations in order to demonstrate best practice. It is open to operators of vans, lorries, mini-buses, coaches and other vehicles, and to the organisations that award contracts to those operators.

Silver accreditation is awarded to operators who maintain their Bronze accreditation and are able to demonstrate that they have developed driver licencing verification systems, their vehicles over 3.5 tonnes are equipped with a left turn audible warning system and their vehicles are fitted with blind spot minimsation devices.

For Silver accreditation, fleet operators shall provide evidence for all accredited operating centres demonstrating that they meet the specific requirements for Silver.

Achilles creates and manages a global network of collaborative industry communities, allowing trading partners to share high quality, structured, real-time data. Using cloud-based technology and industry expertise.

They act as an independent partner, to enable buyers across a variety of sectors to identify and manage risk and suppliers while increasing compliance. The Achilles Communites to which we are accredited Are: RISQS, UVDB and FPAL.

RISQS, formerly known as Achilles Link-up, has been developed to provide a service for the qualification of suppliers for all products and services that are procured by the Rail industry.

RISQS supports Network Rail, LUL/Transport for London, passenger, light rail and freight train operators, rolling stock organisations, main infrastructure contractors and other rail products and services providers in the management of supply chain risk.

RISQS is an independent, third party qualification which includes assessment of a supplier’s capability to supply products and services.

Achilles UVDB provides a fair, open and transparent means of supplier selection for potential tender opportunities.

Achilles UVDB helps us to comply with EU Procurement Legislation to ensure that we complete and maintain a single pre-qualification questionnaire and assessment, for all major clients in the utilities industry by Demonstrating our capability to meet the industry requirements through an industry pre-qualification questionnaire.

Achilles UVDB is independently audited each year, with regular updated throughout the year to ensure that we are at all times compliant with the stringent needs of the utilities sector.

Achilles FPAL provides a fair, open and transparent means of supplier selection for potential tender opportunities. Achilles FPAL provides a portal to help facilitate potential business opportunities, allowing us to receive invitations to supply to a marketplace, sure in the knowledge that we will meet all elements of their procurement selection.

Similar to RISQS and UVDB, The Oil and Gas Authority and Oil & Gas industry buyers have engaged with Achilles FPAL to strengthen their supply chain with independently audited suppliers that are at all times compliant with the needs of the sector.

CENELECWithin Europe the European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization (CENELEC) has standardised the both the designation and colour of cables.

Our Harmonised Codes datasheet classifies the construction of the cable by allocating codes (letters or numbers) to represent the cable voltage, insulation material, structural elements, sheath, special features and conductor type.

For a full list of codes and their meanings, please refer to the standard.

For an example of how codes are constructed, please see our Harmonised Codes Diagram